Sunday, May 2, 2010

How do I make my web application be the Tomcat default application ?

You have created and tested a first web application (traditionally called "besthowtodo"), users can access it via the URL "". You are very proud and satisfied. But now, how do you change the setup, so that "besthowtodobesthowtodo" gets called when the user enters the URL "" ?
The pages and code of your "besthowtodo" application currently reside in (CATALINA_BASE)/webapps/besthowtodo/. In a standard Tomcat installation, you will notice that under the same directory (CATALINA_BASE)/webapps/, there is a directory called ROOT (the capitals are important, even under Windows). That is the residence of the current Tomcat default application, the one that is called right now when a user calls up "[:portNumber]". The trick is to put your application in it's place.
First stop Tomcat.
Then before you replace the current default application, it may be a good idea to make a copy of it somewhere else.
Then delete everything under the ROOT directory, and move everything that was previously under the (CATALINA_BASE)/webapps/besthowtodo/ directory, toward this (CATALINA_BASE)/webapps/ROOT directory. In other words, what was previously .../besthowtodo/WEB-INF should now be .../ROOT/WEB-INF (and not .../ROOT/besthowtodo/WEB-INF).
Just by doing this, you have already made you webapp into the Tomcat default webapp.
One step is left : you also need to have, within your application, a default servlet. This, you do by means of an appropriate url-mapping in the WEB-INF/web.xml configuration file of your application. Make sure you have something like this in that file :
<servlet-name>Best HowToDO Servlet</servlet-name>

<servlet-name>Best HowToDO Servlet</servlet-name>

Restart Tomcat and you're done.
Call up "" and enjoy.
Addendum 1 : If you are deploying your application as a war file..
The above instructions relate to the situation where you are "manually" deploying your application as a directory-and-files structure under the /webapps directory. If instead you are using the "war" method to deploy your application, the principle is about the same :
- delete the ROOT directory
- name your war file "ROOT.war" (capitals mandatory)
- drop the ROOT.war file directly in the /webapps directory.
Tomcat will automatically deploy it.

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